A few months ago I had the pleasure to go on a virtual trip to Paris with The Art Beat Club. Our travelguide Marenthe served us lots of inspiration and made me see the city with new eyes.
Our first stop was The Ladurée pastry house, world famous for their delicious and colorful macarons. If you’d know me at all you know that I can’t walk into a patisserie (or bakery for that matter) without buying several treats. I find it hard to share those goodies…
After the tasty cookies we wandered the streets of Paris. Next stop The Ritz where we drank tea and Champagne and admired the beautiful furniture and classic decor.
While exploring it is important pay attention to the details. Not only look down, but also look up, beauty is everywhere!
Personally I have a love-hate relationship with Paris. The first time I visited the city I was 16 years old and on a schooltrip. That was the most fun visit, I loved exploring the city with my friends. I wish we could travel back in time to feel so sparkling and full of energy again.
Working with the pastel color palette also reminded me of Forget-me-nots. I love those little bleu flowers. They don’t stand-out but once you’ve seen them they are hard to miss. The perfect wallflowers 🙂